Thursday, December 24, 2009

Montague Island

Our guide was a park ranger and he really knew his stuff. Apparently, they all spend a week or two on the island tending the grounds and the lighthouse. The giant boulder I believe is granite. This was hand chiseled to make the bricks that the lighthouse is made of. You can see the rocks in the front of the photo that didn't make the grade and were not used.

Anyone can spend 3 or 4 nights here at a cost of $300 per 4 nights per person. We were able to go to the top of the lighthouse. You'll have to ignore my hair, as it was so wind blown from the boat ride and the wind on top of the lighthouse! And I was a bit sun burnt! But it was worth it!

This is the mountain in Narooma, taken from the top of the lighthouse.

The Aboriginal legend goes: There were 3 people, a mother and her 2 sons. The older son, left and made it on his own. The mother was so upset with his leaving, she asked her other son to stay with her. He did. The mother is the big mountain, the older son is Montague Island and the second son is the smaller mountain just the right and slightly behind the mother.

The white man's story, is that all 3 are volcanoes from roughly the same time period. The big mountain is slightly older than the island and the smaller mountain. There is still evidence of the volcano on the island, but I don't have a good photo of it. The other photos are of the island.



About Me

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Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm originally from Colorado, but I've been living in Australia for three years. Before that, I lived all over the U.S.: Washington State, Maine, California, Oregon, Nebraska, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and more... No, I'm not a military brat or a military wife; I was a traveling nurse for 5 years so I moved to a new city every 3 months. During my travels, I became intrigued with lighthouses and started making plans to photograph as many as I could in whichever state I was living (including the two in Nebraska!) My blog is about my trips to various lighthouses, as well as other interesting trips. I hope you enjoy reading, and leave a comment or two!