Thursday, December 24, 2009

Residents of Montugue Island

Montugue Island Lighthouse

Montugue Island is home to three types of birds, seagulls, shearwaters and penguins. We didn't see any penguins, because they don't come out until dusk, but we saw so many seagulls and shearwaters with their chicks. (The shearwaters are the ones that come from Japan to breed here on Montague Island. Like the salmon in Alaska, and some sea turtles, these birds come back to the place where they themselves were hatched, to breed.)

And like the king penguins (in March of the Penguins) the shearwater parents take turns leaving the chick to get food, and then they fly around the flock calling out to their partner and chick. They may have to make a few passes before hearing its family, but when they do, they land and feed the chick. It was quite interesting to see!

The shearwaters have to watch out for the seagulls as they try to steal the fish or even the shearwater chicks to eat! (This was a very violent nature tour!)



About Me

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Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm originally from Colorado, but I've been living in Australia for three years. Before that, I lived all over the U.S.: Washington State, Maine, California, Oregon, Nebraska, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and more... No, I'm not a military brat or a military wife; I was a traveling nurse for 5 years so I moved to a new city every 3 months. During my travels, I became intrigued with lighthouses and started making plans to photograph as many as I could in whichever state I was living (including the two in Nebraska!) My blog is about my trips to various lighthouses, as well as other interesting trips. I hope you enjoy reading, and leave a comment or two!