Monday, July 11, 2011

Great Aussie Adventure - Day 32 - State 6!!

I woke up this morning at 4:15 (am I on vacation?!?!) to catch the 6:30 flight to Cairns, Queensland. (The sun wasn’t even up yet!!) But the sunrise on the plane was great! It was all pink and yellow and orange. They gave us breakfast on the plane (it was the least they could do for having up get up so early!) We landed in Gove, Northern Territory, which is very far north in the middle of Australia (but still not the most northern tip.) We dropped off a few people, picked up a few more and refuelled. (We were allowed to get off the plane and walk around the (2 gate) airport and stretch our legs.) Then back in the air. We got another breakfast, ( I only had another cup of tea) and then we landed in Cairns. And guess what they gave me here! Another Pajero!! It is great. This one is silver and it’s so nice to be in a familiar SUV again!!

It was so nice to have the high temp of the day be 28C (82F)! So much better than the 33-35C (91-95F) in Broom and Darwin!! As I was leaving Cairns, I missed a turn and ended up at a dead-end road in Daintree. It was a lovely drive through the sugarcane fields. From there, I turned around and drove back the extra 36K (23 miles) to the correct turn off. I was no longer at the Indian Ocean, so the water was brown and muddy, no more 14 shades of green and blue. But it's still so nice to be by the ocean again!! Part of the drive was right next to the water and the road was so windy!! I was driving and I was getting a little car sick!! I was lucky to be at a speed of 30K/hr (18mph), and I came to a sign that said to reduce speed to 80K/hr (50mph) for road work!! Really?!?! Who is going above 40 on this stretch??? But it was such a lovely drive all green and the trees, etc.

I drove over the Laura River again, I'm sure it's the same one I crossed in NT as well and I drove past a town called Laura (who is this Laura person?).

I drove past Lighthouse Mountain! It was raining off and on as I was driving North to Cooktown.

I made it to Cooktown in the rain before the sun set, but I'm so much further north, that the sun goes down closer to 6 now. I went to the information center to ask where the lighthouse is and the lady said that the road to the lighthouse is closed as they are doing road work up to the lighthouse! But she said I should go now as it was after 5 and the workers would all be gone. So I gave it a shot, but there were barricades on the road, so I could go no further. And it was raining, so I didn't want to walk the rest of the way. I'll see what I can do tomorrow! And at the hotel, I asked the guy behind the counter if it was worth going to see the town Laura, since my name is Laura. He said it's a 2 hour drive and there is really nothing to see or do there. Just another small country town.


About Me

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Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm originally from Colorado, but I've been living in Australia for three years. Before that, I lived all over the U.S.: Washington State, Maine, California, Oregon, Nebraska, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and more... No, I'm not a military brat or a military wife; I was a traveling nurse for 5 years so I moved to a new city every 3 months. During my travels, I became intrigued with lighthouses and started making plans to photograph as many as I could in whichever state I was living (including the two in Nebraska!) My blog is about my trips to various lighthouses, as well as other interesting trips. I hope you enjoy reading, and leave a comment or two!