Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Great Aussie Adventure - Day 34

Although yesterday was the last day of the lighthouse tour, there is still one more entry. I’m not back in Sydney yet after all!! I’m still in Cairns (pronounced Cans), FNQ (Far North Queensland - as all the travel documents and buses say!) So this morning, I slept in till the last possible minute and checked out of the hotel at the last possible minute! (This was a rather cheap hotel, but the room had such a soft king size bed and a/c and was so nice! I love this hotel chain that I’m a member of!) Anyway, the pool was awesome as well, but since I’m travelling in winter, I didn’t bring my swimsuit, who needs it in winter?!?! (Apparently you do in the North of Australia, from Broome to Cairns!! (I even saw a sign today for the Savannah Highway that I saw in Broome and Darwin. Here it says Savannah Highway - Cairns to Broome! Thank goodness for flights!) Anyway, I wandered around Cairns this morning/afternoon, mostly indoors as I’m wearing my plane clothes and it’s so humid outside. The high was only 28C (82F), but the humidity will kill you!! So I did a bit of shopping. All unnecessary items, but what else do you do while you are waiting for the plane? I did drive around the beach area and it’s nice, but I tell you, the beaches on the Indian Ocean in Western Australia are my favorite, so these beaches here were nothing special. And before heading to the airport, I did find the last two Big Things on my list!! The Big Marlin and the Big Captain Cook. The Captain Cook Statue is on the side of the highway and since there was no where to park, I thought I’d have to just see it without getting a photo of it, but as luck would have it, I was stopped first in line at a red light and was able to zoom my camera to get the photo!

And then to the airport. Unfortunately when I checked in my bag, the lady told me that the flight was delayed by one and a half hours!! Darn Sydney fog!!! So I'm sitting at the airport having a nice local beer - the Reef Blonde from the Blue Sky Brewery - and typing my final entry. I still have 2 hours to kill before my plane lands and then an extra 30 minutes before it takes off again with me on board. Oh well. With a pretty smooth trip, with one or two hiccups along the way, an hour and half delay on my last flight is not so bad. But I'll sign off now, since I'm rambling and fingers crossed for a smooth flight and no fog so that we can land in Sydney on time. (And by on time, I mean on time after the delay!!!) I hope you all have enjoyed my Great Aussie Adventure as much as I have!!



About Me

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Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm originally from Colorado, but I've been living in Australia for three years. Before that, I lived all over the U.S.: Washington State, Maine, California, Oregon, Nebraska, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and more... No, I'm not a military brat or a military wife; I was a traveling nurse for 5 years so I moved to a new city every 3 months. During my travels, I became intrigued with lighthouses and started making plans to photograph as many as I could in whichever state I was living (including the two in Nebraska!) My blog is about my trips to various lighthouses, as well as other interesting trips. I hope you enjoy reading, and leave a comment or two!