Saturday, August 21, 2010

Great Aussie Adventure - Day 18

Today I just hung out in Perth. Walking around and seeing the capital of Western Australia. And then I came back to the room and did my laundry. Nothing to exciting, but I’m glad to have some clean socks now, I was running out! And I did a bit of unnecessary shopping, but there you go!

Swan River
Swan Bells
As I was walking, there were fire trucks and ambulances and a news channel here. As I got closer, there was a person walking around one of the upper rungs!!!! But she was rescued by the fire cherry picker and taken back to the ground. I could not figure out how she out there though!

Supreme Court House and gardens

I had lunch in a cute little section (a street really) in the shopping district called London Court and so cute. It is “An Old Elizabethan street conceived by Mr. Claude Albu de Bernales designed by Mr. Bernard Evans and erected by General Contestable Calid during the years 1936-1937.”

Military Arches

Parliament House


Town Hall



About Me

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Denver, Colorado, United States
I'm originally from Colorado, but I've been living in Australia for three years. Before that, I lived all over the U.S.: Washington State, Maine, California, Oregon, Nebraska, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and more... No, I'm not a military brat or a military wife; I was a traveling nurse for 5 years so I moved to a new city every 3 months. During my travels, I became intrigued with lighthouses and started making plans to photograph as many as I could in whichever state I was living (including the two in Nebraska!) My blog is about my trips to various lighthouses, as well as other interesting trips. I hope you enjoy reading, and leave a comment or two!